The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Family Friends

Summer Pictures

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan Laughing

Evan Laughing

After a few weeks of not downloading pictures to my computer – I realized I had a lot of photos from this past summer that were not shared on this web site. I have posted new photos from a visit to Eve’s house (Evan’s friend), a visit with Aiden (another of Evan’s friends), Evan working for my company, Evan at his gym class, and Grandma Z’s visit. Enjoy!


Grandma Z Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Grandma Z and Evan

Grandma Z and Evan

Last week Grandma Z was here visiting for a few days and she and Evan had lots of fun. They went to the playground, played in the back yard, went for walks, went to Evan’s swimming class and gym class, read books together, and had a great time watching Evan’s favorite TV shows. A big thanks to Grandma Z for visiting!

Favorites Friends General

Evan at Lake Michigan

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and Amy at Lake Michigan While we were at Evan’s friend’s party last weekend, I decided to take some pictures of Evan and Amy by our wonderful Lake Michigan. Evan is a quick mover and it is hard to catch him in a good position and smiling, but we tried our best! The day was perfect and Evan enjoyed crawling on the big rocks next to the shoreline. Right along the lakeshore in Evanston, there is an awesome park called “Elliot Park” which has a great running/walking path, a great playground, and lots of green space where people come for picnics, parties, and just to get outside. We look forward to going back often next summer and perhaps a few more times this fall.

Friends Videos

Evan at Owen’s Party

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Here is a short video taken at Evan’s friend Owen’s first birthday. While at the party, another little boy (Max) decided to start pushing around a wagon. As soon as Evan saw this – he ran over and sat in the wagon. Fortunately, Max’s mom caught this on video. Way to see the opportunity Evan – aunt Julie would be proud! (Julie used to make me pull her around in the wagon all the time)

Firsts Friends

Evan’s First Luau

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan went to his first luau on Sunday (his friend Ginny’s 30th birthday party). Evan enjoyed the food, wondering from one group of people to the next, the drink umbrellas (he likes to say umbrella), and playing in his makeshift pool – a tupperware storage container. Evan enjoyed the cardboard cutout of the people for pictures (what he is with in the picture) – but mostly liked knocking it over and then crawling on the cardboard.


The Lost Photo

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I recently went through my phone and noticed I had some pictures that I never posted – like this one which is a perfect “if this is not an Amy face – I do not know what is” pose by Evan on the plane ride home from Disney World back in June. Evan is looking at me like “Not only do I have to sit on a plane for over two hours, I have to sit in my car seat, in my pajamas, and you are taking a picture of me?” There are just sometimes he looks so much like Amy it is crazy. Of course when he does something cool – he looks like me. 😉


Fun With the Rominskis

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has spent a lot of time with the Rominskis this past summer – helping at garage sales, going on erands, helping build a deck, and relaxing in the hot tub, and exploring nature while at Phil and Ginny’s pond. Check out the new photos from this past summer of Evan and his friends.

Firsts Friends

Evan’s First Metra Ride

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Over the weekend, Evan, Denise (his babysitter), and I took the train out to see Susan (Denise’s daughter) who lives about 15 miles away. Lucky for us – she live really close to the train station so we decided to take the train. This was Evan’s first train ride and he had a good time. He met the conductor, said hello to everyone on the train, and enjoyed watching the train approaching the station. We were only on the train for three stops, but it was quite exciting! We look forward to going on the train again soon!