The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Web Site Updates

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan "Ewww"
After talking to Evan yesterday about the state of his web site which I created about a year and a half ago – we decided it was time a few things were updated. Most of the updates were made on the backend so it would be even easier to maintain but there are a few new items to note. The homepage now shows several random pictures, recent posts, and recent comments. The sidebar now shows what Evan really likes as well as the weather here in Chicago in case anyone was wondering.

The biggest change is the photo gallery. After realizing the old photo section would soon be a long list of all Evan’s pictures – I decided to break everything up by year. This way you can still see all the “albums” – but everything would be even more categorized. The photos should load quicker because they are now cached. I am still working on the layout of the photo album, but so far it is a huge improvement on the backend at the very least.

To save a picture at full size – make sure you are on a gallery page (page with multiple images and not the album listing page) and for Mac users – hold down the “Control” key and select “Save image to Desktop”. If you are on a gallery page, you can either view the photos as a slideshow or as a list of photos. If you click on one photo, you can scroll through all of them by using the small arrows on the left hand side, below the image.

Anyway – enjoy and expect to see some more improvements.

General Trips

Random Pictures Taken in March/April

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Over the last two months, I have taken some photos using my iPhone in random places at random times and decided to post some of them. The picture of Evan and his friends are actually a few of the kids he plays with when he goes to the “alternate” babysitter. Most of the other pictures are from when we went to Penn State a few weeks ago and then the others were taken in the last week. He is hard to get still to take a good picture of because he is constantly on the move or wanting the camera – but check out the new photos!

Favorites General

I Am Done!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Here is a video taken last night at dinner as Evan was finishing up. You can see his new way of telling us he is done with his meal as well as hear his new favorite word.

General News

The Newest YMCA Eember: Evan!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

(sing) It’s fun to stay at the YMCA…so Evan is now officially a member of the YMCA (and has his own picture ID). He is signed up for a swimming class starting this weekend and we look forward to enjoying classes throughout the summer. Good thing he has some super sweet swim trunks!


Getting on the Couch

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

In the last week or so Evan has realized he can just about pull himself onto our couch. He will go up to the couch, swing one leg up, and then try to pull himself up which has been unsuccessful so far…but he practices over and over every night. It is almost like a game to him at this stage because he knows Amy and I will pull him up all the way. After he is up on the couch, he sits there for a second and down he goes…only to swing his leg back up so you will pull him back up. Fun times. It i just hard to believe he is getting big enough to get on the couch when last year at this time he could not even sit up. Time flies!


Typical Management

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has learned to go up and down stairs in the last few days (he could not always safely go down) and since he is the VP, he often comes down to check everything out, but like a typical manager, he comes into my office, interrupts my work, messes up all my processes, makes me spend more time trying to not have him ruin everything I have done, tries to take control of my mouse, and prances around like it is all about him. 😉 I guess he is on track to a great career!

Family Firsts Trips

Flying, Driving, Visiting, Site Seeing in PA

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment
Evan at the hotel

We all enjoyed our trip to Penn State over the weekend! We had a busy few days meeting with old professors, walking around campus, showing Evan all the sites where we hung out and we even saw Joe Paterno only a few feet away! We flew into Pittsburgh then drove over to State College. Evan is very happy to be back home, but enjoyed the trip. He got lots of new clothes and a sweet Nittany Lion toy that he knows his friend Sallie will love! I have posted new photos in the photos section.

Family Friends Trips

First Trip to Penn State!

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

We are all preparing for a big trip to Penn State in the next few days and are excited to take him to PSU for the first time. We will be taking lots walks and showing Evan the much loved spots around campus. I can almost guarantee Evan will be hooked on the Creamery ice cream! We are also hoping to meet up with some of Amy’s family. Stay tuned for some pictures!

Firsts General News

Evan’s First Words

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has been busy the last few months building a vocabulary and I thought I would share it. You will often hear Evan say:

  • ball
  • balloon
  • Mom
  • Mama
  • shoe
  • cheese
  • hi
  • dog
  • boom (when he falls or something drops)
  • no

No is his latest word. We do not think he always uses it in context all the time because there are some times he just repeats it over and over again, but then again, sometimes it sounds like we do the same thing…like when he is in the kitchen and trying to open/grab everything. I will try to get a podcast up in the next week so everyone can hear some of his new words.