The Muller-Zelazny Family

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i like snow!

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments
Christmas outfit

Evan got a really cool sled for his birthday and finally got a chance to use it in his front yard this week. He liked the snow, the sled, and the snowball Mommy made for him, but he had a hard time picking it up since his mittens do not have a separate compartment for his thumb. Next year we will build a cool snowman together. Check out the other photos of Evan in the snow.

Firsts Friends General

first birthday party.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Evan had a fun and busy day on his first birthday. His Grandma Z was in town to help celebrate and about thirty or so other friends came to his party. We got Portillos catered in, along with some of Mrs. R’s famous mostacolli, and some amazing chips and salsa from a neighborhood bar (along with Coca Cola products, beer, and an awesome cake from Costco). I have posted some pictures from the big day – he was exhausted (and missed his morning nap), but he made it through the whole day without any meltdowns until after he went to sleep.

Firsts General News

happy first birthday!

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

It is hard to believe Evan is one years old today – but today he celebrated his first birthday with family and a lot of friends. Thanks to everyone who made it a special day by calling or coming to the party! Pictures to come soon!


i see you!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
I see you!

I have posted some new photos taken over the last few days. His latest “trick” is to look around things to see you. Whether it is a car seat, a napkin, or a camera…there is no hiding from this one.


vice presidents must dress like vice presidents.

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Evan decided he needed to dress more VPish today when he showed up to help me this morning. I have to say – he looked pretty darn cute. He is gesturing that I need to work 5 hours today…and only 5 hours today so I can play with him later. Ok – I better do what the VP wants.

Firsts General News

big boy bath!

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Evan has graduated from his baby bathtub to taking a bath in the entire bathtub. Of course all he wants to do is stand up, touch the faucet, crawl in the water, touch the soap dish, play with anything in reach, then crawl around some more. He loves all the space – and you cannot turn your back for a second. Bath time is a new adventure, once again.