The Muller-Zelazny Family

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evan knows technology.

Posted by: jzelazny | 4 Comments

IF you have ever been to our home, you know we have a pretty complicated TV/receiver/TiVO/DirecTV set up which uses two remotes because I have never been able to get the DirecTV remote programmed for TiVO. Last night Evan was playing with the DirecTV remote (I swich it to AV2 which should not control anything) and the next thing I know, I start hearing TiVO noise. I then took the remote from him and realized I have complete control over TiVO with the remote…and it took Evan to show me. I expected I might have some competition with staying up with the latest technology, but I did not expect it to happen so soon. I better put in some extra time with my video games now so I know I still have a few years before he shows me up.


too excited to sleep.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Josh came over this evening to babysit since Jen went to the Cubs game (Happy Belated Birthday Susan) and I went to dance. Evan was so excited to have Josh at the house that he did not want to go to bed. He screamed for a little while and then finally went down at about 7:05 and I of course flew out of the house to get to dance. Thank you Josh for helping out and sorry about the screaming!


grandma and grandpa z visit.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Grandma Z and Evan

Last week, Grandma and Grandpa Z came to visit for a few days. When they were here, they enjoyed taking him to some stores, taking walks, giving Evan baths, and watching him play. We have posted some new photos in the photos section so be sure and check them out.


evan’s first big psu game!

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

With only a few hours before the Penn State v. Notre Dame kickoff – Evan decided he better take a nap. We have been enjoying college football all day long – (Ohio State, Michigan State, and now Michigan). Here are a few pictures of Evan in his PSU jersey on his PSU chair.
PSU Jersey PSU Jersey 2


fun at the babysitters!

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Since Amy went back to school, Evan has been at his babysitter’s house almost every day. We recently got some pictures showing us some of his favorite times…eating donuts and relaxing in the hot tub. Perhaps I should go to the babysitter’s house too!

Evan and his donuts I did not see a rainbow! Relaxing The hot tub

Firsts News

evan’s first “watch me”.

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

Evan and I were hanging out on the couch yesterday and he had his first “watch me” moment with me. He decided it would be really fun to arch his back really far when he was on my lap standing up. He would first look at me, to make sure I saw him, then he would arch his back so he would lean way back, then I would pull him back towards me and he would laugh. He did this again and again and got a big kick out of it. The last few weeks have been so much fun with him. He is interested in everything and really starting to get a little personality.

Friends General

visiting with great aunt kathy!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Aunt Kathy

A big thanks to Aunt Kathy for coming out to visit us for a few days. We had a lot of fun playing, starting to crawl (only towards Triscuit and her bones), taking walks, and discovering a really cool playground a few blocks away. It is always nice to have family visit…and no visit is complete without a trip to Wildfire. Evan sat in a high chair and behaved like a nice gentleman! Check out the new August photos!

Firsts General

mommy was right…all things swedish are great!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Evan at IKEA

Evan, Aunt Kathy, and I went to IKEA and I have to say – I was a little worried about how he would do because it is such a zoo – but he absolutely loved sitting in the cart and looking at all the stuff and people. He did not cry once and was completely fascinated by the entire trip. Thanks to Kathy for her cart driving skills in a high traffic store.