The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Firsts General News

tooth proof!

Posted by: jzelazny | 4 Comments
Tooth Proof

Finally after countless attempts to get a picture of the incoming teeth, I was finally successful. You can see the top two – the one left one is really coming in good. He also has two on the bottom that are coming in as well. Next stop…Wildfire!


more beach/june pictures.

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments
Eve and Evan

I finally had some time to upload the pictures from our camera. This picture is of Evan’s friend Eve and Evan on a recent play date. There are some new pictures from June and then the rest from the recent trip to NJ.

Firsts General

just like mommy.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

After arriving back home from our recent trip to New Jersey, I called my mother to let her know we got home safely and proceeded to tell her that I felt another tooth coming in – on the top (of course Amy does not believe me yet about the top tooth, just as she did not believe me about the bottom tooth either for awhile). She then told me that when I was a baby I first got in the tooth Evan got first, then my top tooth – just as Evan is getting now. I thought that was pretty cool how we both “teethed” in the same non-traditional order. Good work Evan!

Firsts General

evan at the beach.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Evan at the beach

Evan has enjoyed his time with Grandma and Grandad M. We have spent time with family, at the ocean, and on walks. He did great on the plane and got lots of smiles from the other people. Check out the photos section for the latest photos.


first tooth in sight.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Well last night was interesting. Yesterday or the day before Jen felt the first ridge of a little tooth coming in and last night (at Susan and Adam’s engagement party) we saw the little white ridges and Evan felt them. He went down in his pack n’ play at the Rominski’s at his normal time, but woke up crying twice over the next few hours – very unhappy boy. We did not have any pain medication with us and we tried the cold washcloth trick, but he did not want anything to do with it. We wanted our little boy to be home in his own bed, so we left the part around 9. When we got home, we put Evan to bed with a little Tylenol in his system and he seemed good to go. Well at 11 – he woke up screaming. We gave him a small bottle, since he had not eaten since 6ish and then rocked him back to sleep. Well, he woke up again at 12:45 screaming. Unfortunately, too soon for more medication, so this time I just rocked him and put him back in bed. He slept until 6:45 this morning. He woke up this morning ate, and slept again for two hours. We have not had to give him any medication for pain today, so hopefully tomorrow on the plane he does okay. I am hoping the tooth makes it through today and tonight and then the pain will basically be gone for our visit to NJ. If not, then I guess we get use to getting up in the middle of the night….something we have not had to do since week 9 or 10 :).


little golfer.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Evan got a cute golf outfit from his Grandma and Grandpa Z the other day – it was made for “24 month olds” but he fills it out nicely. Luckily, I hear he links Ping, so I am excited to buy him his first set (of Pings) when he is ready to start playing with me and Doug in a few years.

Jen and Evan Amy and Evan


got the muller gene for height!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We went for Evan’s 6 month appointment yesterday and of course he is doing fabulous. He is in the 95 percentile for height – he is now 28 1/8 inches. He is in the 75 percentile for weight (because he is so tall) – he is 18 lb 12 3/4 oz. The doctor was so happy with everything and Evan did such a great job. He is such a happy boy, rolling all over the place – as long as it is to his left and babbling up a storm too. Today we actually heard him mumble some ba-ba-bas, which the doctor asked about yesterday and we of course said no we had not heard it. 🙂 He is eating a bunch – some actual peas and small pieces of peach – and every kind of baby food possible (in the ones and twos). Today at Chipotle he insisted on trying his first piece of tortilla.
Evan is very excited about the upcoming trip to NJ – we just hope the plane ride goes well!!


Evan Loves Puppies

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and WishFor the past two weeks, Amy and I watched our two friends’ greyhounds Wish and Gopher. Neither one of the dogs had ever been around babies, and Evan had never seen a brindle greyhound – both were in for a real treat. Wish and Gopher were very well behaved and within a few days Gopher and Evan were best friends. Whenever I would bring Evan into his room to get changed or to take a nap, Gopher followed and laid down on Evan’s floor. When I put Evan on the floor in my office, Wish came over and sat next to him (that is Wish in the picture). All in all, they were great house guests and they really made Evan’s eyes light up when he saw them. PS – I have posted a few recent pictures – they were just too cute.