The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Firsts General

we have a smiler!

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

A few days ago Evan started smiling when he was doing or seeing something he likes. Amy has been trying to get a picture of this, but has not been successful yet. Last night, Evan was up later than usual and so he was awake when Amy got home from ballet. Sure enough as soon as he saw her he got a big smile on his face and it was the cutest thing ever. Hopefully we can get a picture of his “all gum” smile.


enjoying formula.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

After a few days now switching between formula and milk, Evan is eating like a champ. We have been so fortunate with his calm, cool way of life so far. He has three different bottle types and does not care which we use. He can easily go from milk to formula back to milk without any issues – and we do not warm either up! Below are a few recent pictures.

Evan Hanging Out With MomaEvan in His Big Boy Outfit Evan in His Swing


one month doctor visit.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

We made our way to the doctor today for Evan’s one month checkup. Everything went well and Evan is fabulous as usual. He is 9lb 10oz (50 percentile) and 22 1/8 inches (75 percentile) in height. I was concerned about the 50% weight, but the doctor was very happy with his weight gain and was not concerned at all. I guess the percentiles do not mean too much. Evan also got his second injection of his Hep B vaccine. He was not too happy about it, but he was also tired and hungry….so we did not blame him for crying. He fell asleep right when he got into his car seat (we call it his pilot seat).
We plan to begin with a little formula over the next few days…so advice is welcomed.


A Great Weekend With Family

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This past weekend, my grandmother, grandfather, mother, sister, and brother-in-law came for a visit so they could meet the newest family member, Evan. We all had a nice visit and Amy and I are very grateful for the time spent with our family. A big thanks to everyone for visiting and we hope to see you again real soon. Be sure and check out the new photos and videos that I posted!


one month.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Wow – I cannot believe it has been one month since Evan was born. He is a pretty amazing baby and we are so happy! We know that we are so lucky to have him and are thankful that things have not been too hard to adjust to. Thank you to all of our friends and family members who have helped in the past month.


evan cheers for the bears!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We can hardly believe that Evan is almost one month old and that Rex Grossman, the Bear’s QB, did not lose the game for us today. To celebrate the victory, I have uploaded some random pictures of Evan from this past week (see photos). Go Bears!


almost one month old.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We can hardly believe it but Evan is almost one month old. He had another good night of sleep last night and actually went to bed easy tonight. Here are some pictures from the last few days since Grandad Muller came to town.
Stop with the pictures!
Grandad Muller


good sleeper.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Last night Evan surprised us with a seven hour sleep session last night from around 9pm to 4am. He then ate some food and slept for another four hours. While we are quite excited to have him sleep so much, I still tend to wake up every two to three hours and listen for his little grunts and coos. We hope to have another good night tonight!