The Muller-Zelazny Family

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First Day of Kindergarten = Good

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

I just picked up Evan from his first day and he had a good time. When asked what he did he told me “learned and played”. He could not tell me what he learned, but he told me he sat next to a new kid (he knows 4 kids in his class from pre-school), and that he had fun. Let’s hope it continues to be fun!

Firsts School

First Day of Kindergarten

Posted by: jzelazny | 5 Comments

After a long summer of waiting – Evan is spending his first minutes right now in Kindergarten as I type. I am not sure who was more nervous – me or Evan (actually I am sure it was me). I drove him over to the school, walked him into the school to his class, and then did a good job of not crying as I exited.

He seemed excited up until the moment I put him in front of the door in line with his other classmates. He did not cry or say anything to the effect he was nervous – but by not saying anything at all I knew he was probably a little overwhelmed by all the kids. I know he will do great and I look forward to hearing all the exciting stories he is sure to bring home.


First Lost Tooth

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Evan lost his first tooth August 24th while at the babysitter’s house. He was quite excited to show everyone. After putting his tooth in his tooth fairy pillow, the tooth fairy brought him a gold dollar coin and a new tooth brush. Evan currently has 2 other loose teeth on the bottom row as well.

Friends Trips

Visit to Alissa’s House

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment


After spending the day at Penn State – we took another day to spend with my college roommate Alissa, our friend Emily, and our significant others/families. We all had a great time swimming in the pool, talking, and playing. Check out the photo section for more photos from the exciting stay at Alissa’s house.


Trip to Penn State

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment


This year our annual trip back east went well. Our first stop was Penn State where the twins and their brother Evan were re-united. We all had a good time shopping, eating ice cream at the Creamery, and doing our usual Penn State traditions. Check out the photos section for all the Penn State pictures.

Family Zelaznys

“This is So Different” – Evan

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments


Evan has been enjoying his time with his Grandma and Grandpa Z in New York. As Evan has told my parents multiple times “It is so different here”. I assume he means lack of neighbors, forest environment, no siblings, etc… He has been enjoying all the fun “different” things he has been doing like sleeping on the top bunk, helping Grandpa Z, going to the annual Pow-wow in Salamanca, eating brunch, spending time with my friend’s kids who are also visiting their grandparents, going to the golf course, helping Grandma Z bake, playing on his new tire swing, and hanging out with his Grandparents.

A big thanks to my parents for spending some time with him over the past eight days.

Check out some more photos of Evan’s time away in the photos section.

Family Just Evan Zelaznys

Evan in New York (Day 1)

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This just in from my mother about Evan’s first day in New York with Grandma and Grandpa Z. We will re-unite with Evan next week!

Evan has had a busy day so far today. He woke up at 6 as Grandpa was making coffee, but he went back to bed and slept until 7:30. He was outside immediately in his jammies, calling turkeys and checking everything out. He and Grandpa then went outside after breakfast, but had to wear their bug hats because of all of the little gnats flying around as they were working. They then took a four wheeler ride up to Bill’s house to check things out there. Then he played in the “playground” and was quite proud of himself on how high he could swing this year. He also had to play in the sandbox, too. He came in for a while and did some “chores” for us – made his bed and vacuumed crumbs with the hand vacuum. He ate a good lunch and is now playing with the Fisher Price fire station. Next, he and Grandpa are going to go into town to get the tire for his tire swing and do some other errands.

Diane Hogan and her two grandsons are coming up at 5:30 to cook hotdogs and s’mores.

By the way, when we move to another house, he is going to come here to live!!!

We are all having a good time and thought you would like to see a couple pictures.

Just Will

Slip n’ Slide

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This summer has been super hot but Will has managed to keep cool by rocking out the slip n’ slide.

Just Evan

A Successful T-Ball Season

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan loved t-ball and was a bit sad this past weekend meant his last t-ball game of the year. While he did not really know how to run the bases, throw a ball, or bit off a tee at the start of the year – by this past weekend he had three great hits (all went into the outfield), made some plays while he was in the outfield, and had a great time.

We are very proud of him for trying something new, listening to the coaches, and playing together with his other teammates. We look forward to it again next year! Thanks to the family members that made it out to see him play a game or two!