The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Just Cora

Cora’s New Room

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This past weekend Evan, Amy, and I worked hard to paint and get Cora’s room in order so she would have her own cute girl room. We went with a light yellow (see photos) and then added in some wall decals for some nice decorations. Cora seems to like her room but would still prefer to leave it after we put her down at night (we have to put up a baby gate to keep her in). She also loves having the fish tank in her room and looks forward to feeding them everyday.


The Brothers

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Evan and Will have been rooming together now for a week and they seem to enjoy it. If Will wakes up crying – Evan tells him “I am right here Will – it is ok”. They enjoy hanging out in the room together – and last night Evan told us they decided to sleep in each other’s beds. Will work up this morning at 5am disoriented (being in Evan’s bed) and Evan helped him get back into his own bed and Evan then went back into his big boy car bed.

Just Evan

Human Fork

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

For the last year Evan continually differentiates kids and adults – but instead of calling us older people “adults” he calls us “humans”.

Example: Last night we had pizza for dinner. We did not get him a fork so after realizing he did not have a fork – he went into the drawer, picked out a fork, and proudly told us he decided to use a “human” fork instead of a kid fork.

While I generally correct him with any inaccurate differentiations – Amy and I find this pretty cute and so we do not say anything. So – next time you come over and Evan offers you a “human” something or other – rest assured it will not be something other than a non-kid item.


The Boys’ New Room

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Upon Evan’s request – we spent the entire Sunday moving the boys into one room and Cora into her own room. The boys are enjoying their room together and we were pretty happy with the results.


The Carnival

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Our babysitter knows the owner of the local carnival so we went out as a family and enjoyed the carnival with them while it was in town. Everyone enjoyed the rides and some cotton candy and Evan even enjoyed a few carnival games.


Climbing Out of the Crib = Chaos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The first picture of Cora climbing out of the crib was cute. It is not so cute any more. The last few days have been quite stressful and chaotic. We believe Cora is the one who climbs out first most times and encourages Will to climb out as well. Unfortunately, Will is not as nimble as Cora and usually ends up falling pretty hard to the ground. He does not seem to mind, but it sounds bad. At first this was okay, they would climb out, we would go in and speak in a stern voice to get back in bed, put them there and they would sleep. This is not the case the last few days.

In stead of getting out of the crib once or twice, it is more like five or six times and they can open the door now so they open the door and come running down the hall. Two nights ago we resorted to the baby gate. We put it up and they can get out of the crib but they cannot get out of the room. The gate is a good plan, but when left alone in their room they get bored. We have come in to find all clothes and diapers all over the place and chaos. They also cannot get back into their cribs so they fall asleep in crazy places.

Today when we were all suppose to be relaxing, Cora and Will were obviously not ready to sleep and they were being crazy, but we were trying to ignore it. Until Cora started screaming because she decided to try to sit in the toy food stroller and it fell over and she got stuck and Will started to scream a few minutes later, still not sure why.

So….we decided to take a half step forward. Not a full bed but we did take the crib side piece off so they can get out and in without any trouble. We put them in their room tonight, with the gate, and once had to yell get back in bed but about a half hour later all was quiet and every one was in their beds. Could it be a new beginning or were they just so tired they did not want to fight it (because of no nap from today). No idea – we will see how tomorrow goes. One step at a time.


Where is the Ring?

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday I was working away in my office when all the sudden I heard Amy ask Evan a question using a terrified tone. I thought perhaps Evan had hit Cora or Cora did something bad like broke something or did something else but I had it all wrong. I did not go up immediately but then Evan started hysterically crying and I heard Amy asking him about his recently purchased pirate ring. The ring is a spongy-ish ring that looks to be the size of a man’s class ring.

Amy’s reaction came after Evan told her that Cora ate the ring. He was crying hysterically because he loved the ring and did not want any food on it. I ran up as I finally understood what was unfolding and Amy quickly got on the phone with our pediatrician. While she was on hold, Cora seemed like she was fine but she and Evan both told the same story – that she ate the ring. I moved hysterical Evan into his room to calm down and was scurrying around the house trying to find the ring in hopes perhaps Evan and Cora were somehow not telling the story correctly.

As Amy and I looked all over – she finally got through to a nurse and the nurse put her on hold for a minute while talking to the doctor on the next step (ER?). I went down to my office to wrap things up figuring we were in for a long day at the hospital but just as the nurse got back on the phone – Amy found the ring.

Serenity now!


Our First Extraction

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

So we sat eating dinner and about half way through watched Will put a pea in his nostril. Figuring it would fall out I was not concerned…that did not happen. He must have breathed in. I immediately grabbed the phone to call Denise and Jen immediately said get a flashlight and tweezers. Jen did not have any success and I started to get worried. Doesn’t the nose connect right to the throat…won’t it go down….I just could not think. We carried Will over to the window for more light, he is screaming now, I took Jen’s long tweezers and grabbed the pea. At that point he thought of finishing my dinner, made me sick. I cleaned up the kitchen. Hopefully our first and last.


Cora and Will’s 2nd Birthday Party

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora and Will really enjoyed their second birthday/birthday party. For their birthday party, we rented a big bounce house (Will is an excellent bouncer/balancer), had our usual Portillo’s menu, and had a cake from Costco. The kids enjoyed the bounce house, the sprinkler, and playing in the sandbox.

A big thanks to all who came/helped out!

Family Zelaznys

Grandma and Grandpa Z’s Spring Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Grandma and Grandpa Z came for a visit around the twins’ birthday so they could be there for the actual birthday and the birthday party. As always, the kids loved having them here and everyone had a blast.

Evan really enjoyed going to the bookstore with Grandma and Grandpa. Cora loved the doll bed that they brought for her (my doll bed that I had as a child). Will loved the stools that Papa made them (Grandma and Grandpa delivered them) as well as snuggling with Grandma.

Evan also enjoyed Grandma and Grandpa going to school with him and – as he told the teacher – tickling Grandpa’s mustache. (He calls him mustache guy).

Thanks for visiting and helping with the party! You can see more visit pictures by going to the photos section.