The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Just Evan

Kite Flying

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Every year – our town holds a “Go Fly a Kite” day where a ton of kids/adults go to a park and all fly kites. I took Evan two years ago when Amy was on bed rest with the twins and we decided to go again this year. After I figured out how to put the kite together – we enjoyed flying the kite (Yoda) aka “Yoga” (Evan was mis-pronouncing the name).

Just Evan T-Ball

First T-Ball Practice

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan is playing T-Ball this year and yesterday was his first practice. He was most excited about his cleats and how they made him run extra fast. He kept saying – “Look at these babies go”. He had a blast and really liked that this sport is outside (all his other classes/sports are indoors). He is on the St. Louis Cardinals team and is wearing #6 (I chose the # based on one of my favorite PSU football players that played the last few years…who reminded me of what Evan might look like when he gets older).

The team is comprised of 11 players. At practice they broke into small groups and then practiced running the bases, throwing, and catching. Let me know if you are interested in seeing him in action at an upcoming game. Games are 1 hour long and generally on Saturdays in May/June.

Firsts Food

Our First Dinner Out

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

When Evan was little – we went out to dinner with him all the time. We had been out to breakfast once or twice as a family – with help with friends, but this is our first official dinner out with all of us. We chose Portillos (a Chicago staple). The kids were good. They love Portillos and really liked having their own container of ketchup.

Easter Holidays

Easter = Candy

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

If the kids were not crazy about candy – they definitely are now. Both twins hover around the kitchen counter where their Easter baskets are whenever possible. Both Will and Cora enjoyed the Easter egg hunt, playing with the friends that came over for dinner, and having an overall good fun day with everyone. We hid candy and some money (change) in eggs in the backyard and while Cora was obsessed with her “pops” (lollipops) Will enjoyed shaking his egg with all the change in it best. Check out more photos of Easter.

Easter Holidays

Easter Fun

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan really enjoyed Easter this year. He saw the Easter Bunny, colored eggs, had an easter egg hunt and got some awesome candy and presents. We then had some friends over for Easter dinner and Evan had a great time with everyone. Check out more Easter photos.


Large Bunny is Too Un-Natural for Will

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Like usual we headed over to Abt to see the Easter Bunny. This year poor Will was not too excited about the Bunny. We sat Evan next to the Bunny and had hopes of him holding on to the twins to get a quick photo, but instead Evan was distracted by something and as soon as we put Will down – he started crying hysterically. In order not to take a lot of time and to keep the line moving, Amy jumped in, grabbed Will and I tried to get everyone to look at me. Like usual – Amy was the only one listening.

Just Will Uncategorized

Future baseball star.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We have come to the conclusion that Will is our future sports star. He already kicks the ball quite good, enjoys hitting the ball off of the t-ball and likes to run everywhere.
A few weeks ago Will and Cora went with Evan to his t-ball class and Will went right up to the t and hit the ball when they were finishing up the class.
Tonight he decided he was going to practice his track and field ability by making me chase him all around the living room before getting his PJs on.
His one favorite word is ball and if any one near him has a ball he wants it. At the playground when other kids are playing basketball on the court, he is mesmerized. You have to almost hold him back or he runs right up and tries to take the ball.
We will see how things progress in the next few years….I have to say he loves the computer too though…we will see.

Just Cora Uncategorized

Keep your clothes on!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Clothes would be okay if the diaper did not come off with it. Cora has decided she is more comfortable with her clothes off and her diaper as well. The one positive is it seems she always goes potty before the diaper comes off. Yesterday she took her pants and diaper off, we put it back on twice and then I decided to just bring the potty chair out into the living room and told her several times to sit and put her down on the chair several times. I went to put clean clothes away and came out and Cora was shapely getting out of the clothes backet….weird. I went to take a look and she had gone potty in the basket. I guess it is better than the couch or floor. There is always something crazy going on at the Muller-Zelazny household!

Just Cora

Cora’s Pigtails

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

On Friday I took Cora to get her hair cut and for the first 5 minutes she screamed at the top of her lungs and then all the sudden stopped and realized she was fine. She did great for the rest of the haircut and the hair stylist then put her hair in pig tails which I thought were super adorable and snapped this photo.