The Muller-Zelazny Family

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The Shopping Cart

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The twins got the shopping cart for their first birthday and absolutely love it. They are constantly in it, pushing each other in it, or filling it up with toys.



Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Hard to believe he is old enough, but I registered Evan for Kindergarten for fall 2012. Kindergarten out here is half day and he could either go in the AM (9-12) or PM (1-4). We are hoping for the AM option but I am sure Evan will love either!

Just Cora

Our Little Ballerina

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora loves a few things: boots, and standing on the table. Regardless of how much we try, Cora (and Will) love to be on top of the dining room table. We have tried pushing chairs in and moving them out. Cora then went to her room, got a toy to climb on, and then climbed up on the table that way. Even though we cannot keep boots on either twin while in the car or in the stroller (they take them off), she enjoys wearing boots non-stop in the house.


Evan’s Sculpture

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan brought home a sculpture that he made in school out of toothpicks and “Dots”. The teachers had each kid name their sculpture and Evan named his “The sculpture of activity”. The sculpture lasted at home just long enough to get this photo and then he quickly de-constructed it so he could eat the candy Dots.


Relaxing With the Twins

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Most nights the twins look forward to their milk and a cartoon in our room. Evan decided to join in to make sure he was not missing out on anything exciting.


Evan and His Birds

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan loves Angry Birds and for Christmas he got the “board game” version. At first he was just randomly building boards for the birds – but I noticed this morning he was actually building them to spec per the game cards. I am impressed! (The game cards have photos of what pieces/birds/etc need to be built/located)


The Table

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

What is the most exciting thing for the twins right now? The new toys from Christmas? The dog? The computer? Not even the iPad can even compete with the want to be sitting/walking on the table. We try to enforce not getting on the table and even take them right off when they get on the table, but they are both obsessed with getting on the table. Turn your back for a minute or go into the kitchen for a glass of water…and what you will see is both Will and Cora on the table.


Keep the Door Open…

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan is pretty darn cute. For the last several months we put him to bed and he says:

“Keep the door open incase you need me”

Such a thoughtful guy. Too bad he is asleep within a few moments…

Christmas Family Holidays Trips Zelaznys

Trip to Florida

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments


We went to Florida the week before Christmas so Evan could experience Christmas morning/day here at his house. He always enjoys traveling and much like his Mama – loves the airport. On the way down the flight captain even let Evan go into the cockpit, look around, and ask questions. They even let him say something over the intercom.

We all had a great time and Evan was excited to see everyone, play outside, and even sit in a big tractor trailer rig (neighbor’s). I think with all of that – the most exciting part of the trip for Evan was seeing Cora after being away from her for a few days. As soon as he got out of the car Cora’s eyes lit up and she instantly started screaming in joy. This continued for several minutes after we all got inside.