The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Christmas Family Holidays Trips Zelaznys

Trip to Florida

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This year we decided to head down to Florida before Christmas so we could still visit with our family around the holidays, but still be back home for the big day. We had a really great time and enjoyed the warmer weather (and the company of course). In addition to seeing their grandparents and great-grandparents, we also saw some cousins as well (Celia just turned one and it was the first time we met her). As you can see from the photo – the rules are a little different at Grandma’s house. For more photos – check out the photos page.


Evan on Junk Food

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

After dinner Evan was trying to get us to give him a snack (cookies or candy). I told him that I did not want him eating any of that type of food because he had had enough junk food for the day. Evan then told me:

Candy is not junk food. Junk food is food you get from the garbage.

Got to love Evan’s attempt at warping logic to get candy. He ended up eating an clementine instead.

Family Just Cora Zelaznys

Cora Visits Florida

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

When my mom told me she was coming out for Evan’s birthday party and knowing we would all be flying to Florida 5 days later – I threw out the idea that she could take one of the twins back with her if she wanted for the few days that we would still be here in Chicago. I figured they might enjoy having some one on one time with one of the kids (since Evan stays with them for a few days/week each summer) and that would also help us. She ended up choosing Cora this time around since Cora is easier to maneuver by herself on the plane. Will looks forward to some one on one time later this year!

The plane ride went well and everyone had a blast in Florida. Cora was quite social and enjoyed meeting new people and spending time with her grandparents and great grandparents.

Family Zelaznys

Grandma Z Comes to Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Grandma Z flew in to visit to see the kids and be there for Evan’s birthday party. We had a good time as usual and the kids all love having her here. A big thanks for flying in and being a great help!


Evan’s 5th Birthday Party

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments


Evan turned five this year and instead of doing our traditional big birthday parties at our house – we had Evan invite who he wanted (kids) and we had it at the place he takes swimming lessons. Evan wanted a pool party with a pirate cake (Pirates of the Caribbean). He had both and had a blast. Check out the photos from the fun kids party! A big thanks for all who came and to my mother who flew in for the event!


Swimming Lessons

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has been in the water since he was only a few months old. Our weekly trip to the YMCA or the Olympic Center for swimming lessons has paid off. He loves the water, is comfortable in the water, and has just about mastered both his front and back floats – along with his amazing under water swimming too.

Christmas Holidays

Trip to Abt

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Each year we go to Abt Electronics (local store) to see Santa. We found this was generally a lot less stressful than a trip to Woodfield and everyone gets those great fresh chocolate chip cookies. Here are some shots of the action.


Word Mixup

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan is a talker…almost non-stop. Lately he has been telling us he wants a “quiet dinner” without any talking which literally lasts for 5 minutes because he cannot keep quiet himself. Last night while he requested the “quiet dinner” he looked at me and said:

You have to listen to me – I am the bus.

I said “you are the what”? Evan said “the bus”. I said “the what”? He said “the bus”. I said “oh – you mean the BOSS”. Evan said “oh yeah – the boss”. I said “you are not the boss – but we can have a quiet dinner – you just need to stop talking”.

Fun times at the dinner table.


Long Days…

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Even though there are five of us – our weekdays and weekends are always busy. After a long day – sometimes this happens…and of course Cora is holding on to her big brother’s hand.