The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Quotes School

Love in My Eyes

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan came home the other day from school and told me:

I looked at Molly and I saw love in my eyes

I thought Evan had a crush on one of the little girls in his class but then just yesterday he told me he was going to ask one of his neighbors to marry him in 50 weeks. Look out ladies – Evan has arrived.


September Fun

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

dsc05699We decided to take some photos of Cora and Will in action around the house to show some of their daily activities for anyone who does not get to see them on a daily basis. They are two busy little kids always on the move eating, playing, seeing what Evan is up to, and then moving on to something else. Some of their favorite actives can be seen in these new photos including standing on the stool Papa made for Evan, playing with the dog food, and playing with their big brother. Make sure to check out the latest photos.

At the Doctors

18 Month Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will and Cora went for their 18 month appointment this afternoon – cannot believe they are getting so big! They checked out great and only had to get their flu shots…which was nice.

Will was awesome – calm and relaxed during his whole physical. He is becoming a bigger boy.
Weight – 25lb 1oz (71st percentile)
Height – 33 inches (86th percentile)

Cora was not so calm. She cried as soon as I put her on yet table actually was not even so sure about going into the little room.
Weight – 20lb 13oz (32nd percentile)
Height – 30 1/2 inches (25th percentile)

Evan also got his flu shot – so we are good to go. If we have a fabulous winter without colds then we do not have to go back with Will and Cora until May. We will see.


Evan’s Music Lyrics

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I listen to a lot of music now that I did when I was younger – including 1990s dance music and Beastie Boys. The other day Amy was getting Evan in her car and he told her about the “I got the power – I will attack and you don’t want that” dance song. (The song is harmless) It was pretty cool to see he is actually listening to the lyrics, enough so to repeat them.

We also were in the car the other day listening to old school Beastie Boys and when it got to the lyrics “You got to fight for your right to party” Evan started singing “You got to find your way to the party”. That was super cute!

Needless to say Evan is constantly observing everything so we have officially moved into the “be careful what you say” stage.

Just Cora

Cora Love Shoes

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora loves her shoes and anyone else’s that she can find. She especially loves to find her big brother’s shoes and put those on. Whenever things are a little quieter than expected – we can pretty much guarantee she is rounding up shoes to try on. Before she could walk she would even seek out shoes, put them on her hands, and crawl around with them. We really will be surprised if she does not have some huge shoe collection (as well as other accessories). I know what you are thinking…just like he mom Jen. Perhaps the shoe/accessory obsession just skipped a generation.


The Boys Are Bonding

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The past week or so I have definitely seen a change in Evan’s relationship with his brother. He plays with him more, interacts with him more and seems to generally appreciate him more. Evan, up until now, has been quite attached to Cora but not so much with Will so it is nice to see this bind growing.


Evan Loves Garfield

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has always loved reading, especially Garfield comics. He has been reading our old Garfield books for the past year and when he had a really good week of listening and playing nicely I took Evan to the bookstore to pick out a new book. He wanted a new Garfield book and ended up getting a big color (the ones we have are in black and white) Garfield book. Evan loves this book and has memorized several comics. If you ever want to get Evan something – Garfield is always a hit. You can see this book in the background…and apparently the twins also like it.


Jack Comes to Stay

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

The kid’s friend Jack (a few months older than them) came over to stay for the night recently. When Jack arrived the twins were asleep and Jack played with Evan. The next morning the kids all had a good time playing with each other and hanging out until Jack’s parents came and picked him up. Jack was quite excited with all the new toys available for him to explore. They all did a great job sharing toys and playing nicely. We look forward to seeing Jack soon!


Evan’s Robot

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I came home the other day and saw that Amy and Evan were outside drawing on the sidewalk. Evan has been known to make circles and even some rough people sketches from time to time but I was pretty impressed with is robot drawing. Nice work Evan!

Amy’s robot drawing can also be seen below.


Peek a Boo

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will and I were on the couch the other night and Colby was laying next to us. Colby had his head leaning on the top of the couch cushion – many of you can visualize this. All of a sudden I realize that Will is trying to play Peek a Boo with Colby. It was so sweet – but I tried to inform Will that Colby really is not a fan of the game.

Will has become a big fan of Colby, even when he is not playing Peek a Boo. Whenever he is next to Colby he likes to lean on him and put his head on him. He also likes to push Colby from behind. Probably something we should stop him from doing. But the smile is adorable as he leans or pushing or tries to play Peek a Boo.