The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Evan at School

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The Reading Pool

Evan’s teacher sent us this picture of Evan and his two friends reading in the “reading pool” in pre-school yesterday. The kids are all wearing safari hats as well as this week is “Safari Week” in school.

Firsts School

First Day of School

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan had his first day at pre-school today. He has his same teachers as he did last year and he was quite excited to go back. Hard to believe the next time we take this picture he will be going to Kindergarten!


Evan’s Candy Logic

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I asked Evan if he wanted to go to the grocery store with me yesterday and this is what he said:

My tummy is empty of candy so yes I need to go to the store to get more.

I love Evan’ logic.


Cute Actions By Both

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Not that you will get the full idea from just this explanation, but it is so cute I have to share. Will and Cora both have these little actions that they do randomly that are so cute.

Will flutters his eye lids, it is so funny. It may have started as an accident or involuntary but now we do it back and forth to each other. It is adorable and funny because I too have a tendency to flutter my eye lashes when I roll my eyes. Jen loves it ;).

Cora makes this weird breathing motion/noise with her mouth. Sometimes her lips are pursed like a fish and other times her mouth is wide open and she breathes really fast and loud. We do that back and forth to each other too. So funny.

At the Doctors

15 Month Update

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora Louise (our peanut)

  • 19lbs 9oz (6 percentile)
  • 29in (20 percentile)
  • head circumference is 46.75in (81 percentile)

William Frederick

  • 24lbs (51 percentile)
  • 30.25in (37 percentile)
  • head circumference is 47.5in (67 percentile)

The doctor was happy with their growth even though they are definitely not as big as their big brother was at this age. The doctor would like them to work on identifying body parts and common objects and words.

Family Trips Zelaznys

Evans’ Family Reunion 2011

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan had a ball at the family reunion this year. He enjoyed playing with his cousins…especially Hunter. Evan spent a lot of time playing on the swing, in the sandbox, and “helping” his older cousins put up their tents.

Family Mullers Trips

New Jersey 2011

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

img_2161After a long trip in the car with all the kids – we finally arrived in New Jersey tired but excited to see our family. We enjoyed spending time at the beach, with Uncle Mike and his family, Grandma M, Grandpa M, Aunt Jackie and her family, Aunt Kathy, and Uncle Jon and Aunt Rene.

Evan absolutely loved the ocean and went there with Amy and his cousins several days. (One day was enough for me) He really loved playing in the water, “surfing”, and digging holes in the sand. Needless to say, he is excited to go back next summer! Check out the photos from our trip to NJ.

Quotes Trips

Mountain Goat

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

On a recent trip in the car – I was drinking Mt. Dew which happens to be yellow (which happens to be Evan’s favorite color). He saw me drink it and then asked me a little later “Can I have some of that Mountain Goat to drink?” At least we had a good laugh.

Family Trips Zelaznys

Visit to Penn State

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We met Evan, my grandparents, and my mom at Penn State on our way east. Everyone enjoyed ice cream at the Creamery, staying at the Nittany Lion Inn and seeing all the typical Penn State places – Nittany Lion Shrine, Joe Paterno statue, and good ol’ McLanahans.

Family Trips Zelaznys

Summer 2011 at Kill Buck

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

image-45Evan flew to New York with Grandma Z to spend a little over a week golfing and eating at Elkdale, meeting new friends, meeting Aunt Terry, playing with Gaga and Papa, and having a great time “in the forest” aka Grandma’s house. He also enjoyed building a bird house, seeing some Alpacas, and even drinking some of Grandma Z’s perfume. A big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Z for having Evan stay with them. Check out the photos from his trip to New York.