The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Just Evan

Our Soccer Player

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We signed Evan up for soccer a few weeks ago. After the second week – Evan could control the ball (reasonably), stop it with his feet, jump over it (two feet together) and more! He likes it and we enjoy watching him!


One Asian…

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has been learning the “Pledge of Allegiance” in one of his summer camps. On the way home I was going through it with him where I would say a line and he would repeat – and when we got to “One nation…” Evan said “One Asian” – and made both Amy and me laugh. Good job Evan.

Just Cora

Cora and Her Shoes

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Cora loves her shoes

There are not too many days that go by without Cora finding random shoes, putting them on her hands, and crawling around happy as can be. It does not matter who they belong to or if they match – she just likes putting them on her hands and scooting around with them.

She also tends to prefer them on opposite of the way you would put them on her feet. Regardless – if there are shoes around the house – there is a good chance Cora will find them and try and put them on…her hands. Early sign of a shoe fetish? We shall see…


Random June 2011 Photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

img_3971Will and Cora have been really enjoying their birthday presents – especially this space ship that they can easily climb on, sit on, ride, and push. Check out pictures of the twins in action on this exciting toy as well as some other random June 2011 photos in the photo section.


Conversations With Evan: The Shed

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

It is funny to me to hear/see Evan’s thought process sometimes and this past weekend was one example:

Me: Evan we need to get the pool out of the shed.
Evan: What is a shed?
Me: Really Evan, you don’t know what the shed is?
Him: You mean the barn?
Me: Yes – the barn.

I loved that he thought our little 5×10 shed was a “barn”.

Firsts Just Will

First to Walk

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Second to be born, second to crawl, second to get any teeth, but first to walk. Will took his official first few steps in sequence today multiple times. I am sure his sister will not be too far behind but for now he is quite excited to try walking.

Good job Will!


Evan and His New Net

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan netting the Blue Gill

I have been taking Evan fishing every once and awhile now for the last few years. This was the first year I actually let him use a hook and some bait – and he – with the help of Grandpa Z a few weeks ago caught a few fish. Yesterday when we were at the bait store – he decided he needed a net so I bought him one. Once we got to our fishing spot he wanted nothing to do with his pole – and only wanted to make “mud smoke” by dragging the net in the water/mud. He did help me pull in a Blue Gill (in the photo) with his net and he was super excited. Hopefully next time we will get a huge fish that will actually require the use of the net 😉

At the Doctors

1 Year Doctors’ Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday we had their one year doctor’s appointment so I wanted to give an update for those of you who want to know…


  • 18 lbs 7.75 oz (12%tile)
  • 28 inches (18%tile)

The doctor was happy with her growth, pretty consistently small. 🙂 even though she is tiny she has taken over the role of eating everything. We now dump what Will does not eat onto Cora’s tray and she eats it.


  • 23lbs 1.25oz (56%tile)
  • 30 inches (59%tile)

He also is growing well.

Both babies can stand on their own for a minute but no real steps. Will seemed to take a side step the other day but don’t know if we can really call it a step. They are both close.

Family Firsts Friends Zelaznys

Birthday Fun

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

img_3840Well – the first year has come and gone. We had a joint birthday party for the twins this year and had a lot of friends and family come and celebrate with us. Although the weather was not always cooperative – we had a great time eating Portillos and Costco cake as well as playing in the back yard with all kinds of fun toys. Check out the photos so you can see the excitement for yourself!
A big thanks to all that came out and joined us for Cora and Will’s first birthday!


First Haircuts

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

On Saturday we took the kids over to our friend Ginny’s house so the twins could get their first haircuts.

dsc05412 Will stepped up and went first. He was not too sure about the cape but overall did pretty good. He basically just needed some cleaning up with the back of his hair as well as the sides shortened. I used my iPhone to keep him looking in one place without a lot of movement. Thankfully I had an episode of Curious George on there to keep him occupied for a few minutes at a time while Ginny was cutting. Of course we do not have a good after photo – I was lucky to get any photos, but overall he looks less like a baby and more like a little boy. Check out the photos to see more of the haircut experience. A big thanks to Ginny for being patient with Will during his first trim!

dsc05423 Cora went after her little brother so she could first see what this was all about. She was very unsure of it in the beginning but after a few minutes she was ok and got the haircut she desperately needed. Her hair was getting so long it was constantly in her eyes and trying to keep a barrette in her hair while trying to have her and her brother not grab it was too much of challenge for the every day routine. Cora mostly got her “bangs” trimmed and then the side and back evened out a tiny bit so that everything will grow in a bit more even.