The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Our Garden

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Packing down the sand

I decided that it was time to start gardening so Evan could learn about plants as well as being able to go out before dinner and picking some of his favorite foods (he absolutely loves fruits and vegetables). I wanted him to help with the digging/planting/etc so of course – you can see the sort of help he provided in the photo. I had a mixture of sand and soil and asked him to simply flatten out some of the big balls of dirt/sand. In his mind – he thought the steamroller was the tool of choice so he was rolling around on everything to flatten everything out. Let’s hope his method works! (I went back and loosened everything up)


Cheese and Crackers

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cheese and Cracker Time

I think Amy could easily live off of cheese and crackers (and I could live off of cheese crackers) so when I discovered that Will and Cora both love Cheese (American) and crackers (Oyster) I was not surprised. Cheese and crackers make for a nice quick and easy snack/part of meal that is easy for them to pick up and eat as well as for us to quickly get something out to these usually starving children who when they want food – they want it now!

Just Will

Will’s New Obsession

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will is a speed crawler. He can go being stationary to being across the room and down the hall in a matter of seconds. About two weeks ago we found if we did not close the bathroom doors he would go in and unravel the toilet paper. While that was sort of cute, the next step for him was to then stuff the toilet paper in his mouth and eat it – which was not so cute. We have been a lot better with keeping the doors shut, but the other day when someone was over – they left the door open and after a few minutes of not seeing Will – I tracked him down in the bathroom with about 3 feet unraveled and a big mouthful. Oh Will…

Easter Friends Holidays

Easter Fun

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

img_3526 Evan had a fun Easter this year. Denise took him and the twins to see the Easter bunny the week before Easter and then on Easter day we went over to Phil and Ginny’s house for an easter egg hunt, food, and of course fun presents. Check out the new photos of Evan and his Easter fun.

The highlights this year were the sweet rifle the Easter Bunny brought him and the umbrella that Denise bought for him – and of course all the other presents and candy! Thanks to everyone who helped make this a super fun Easter!

At the Doctors

We Live At The Doctor’s Office

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will and I went for another visit to the doctor this evening. He started to show signs of a cold a few days ago and with his third tooth (finally) coming in we thought maybe it was teething. Then yesterday we started to hear a tiny bit of wheezing again. If you remember in February he was in for wheezing, given a breathing treatment and then Albuterol. Same today. The doctor said it was a very slight wheeze, but it was there. She again gave him the treatment in the office, he again screamed the entire time, and is getting the Albuterol inhaler every four hours.

So I asked about asthma. She said yes, Will most likely has virus triggered asthma. Which means he should be fine at most times when he is healthy and usually this type goes away by age 6 if not before. It could be triggered later on when he gets more into sports and activities…but we will just need to wait and see. She said she sees no reason for any other medications at this time – like a preventative steroid.

On another note, Evan has been sleeping since 4:00pm. He woke up briefly showed because he was soaked with sweat and then told Jen he was going back to bed. He also has a slight fever. He got a great report from school today…we figure he was not feeling good and therefore did not have the energy to be crazy. 🙂 Cora was just crying in bed for about an hour, we gave her a little medicine too.

I need a couple healthy months….or weeks….or day!!


The Terminator

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

If you knew me in the 1990s – you knew I was obsessed with the movies Terminator and Terminator 2. I brought T2 posters to college and those were what I was hanging up as I met my roommate for the first time. When Evan turned 4 I decided to let him watch the first 5 minutes of Terminator 2 and nothing beyond that. Since then, we often play “Terminator” which usually results in me scaring him while making Terminator noises. Yesterday I found an iPhone app which can take a headshot of a person and turn it into a Terminator looking person.

I took the photo, then showed Evan. He was half intrigued and half scared as he told me:

“I have never seen the laser in my eye before”

He promptly looked in the mirror and started pressing on his face and looking into his eye. I cannot wait until he is old enough to actually watch the Terminator (minus Terminator 3) movies. I know he will be scared to death but also love them!

Quotes School

Mommy Broke My Heart

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Today I picked Evan up from school and happened to notice him not listening to the teacher when they were wrapping up. I tried to talk to him about listening but he was…not listening. I had to stop at McDonalds to pick up Denise lunch on our way home and although Evan kept asking for a kids meal while we were in the drive thru I did not get him anything. I told him good listeners got good things and bad listeners did not always get what they want. Although I am not wild about making McDonalds a treat, let’s face it, it is.

He cried all the way home when he realized I was serious and actually did not get him anything and he pouted as he walked from my car in the driveway to the front door. When he walked in the front door he had a sad face. Denise asked him right away if he had a bad day at a school to which he said:

no, Mommy broke my heart.

He then started crying and went to his room and shut the door. Of course that broke my heart so after a few minutes I went in and talked to him about listening and told him I loved him then invited him to my office to eat lunch which made him much happier.

Just Will

Will and Mommy

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Just like me – it looks like Will is not a fan of the heat. Yesterday it was 86 here and Will was more ornery than usual, hot, sweaty, flushed and not down with the heat or being outside. I did however get him to smile while were we were at Menards picking up some yard stuff while we were in the shade waiting for his big brother to finish playing at the “play area”. Will loves riding in carts at stores and is good at holding on (and smiling).

PS – you can see he has rug burn on his knuckles from the crazy crawling he has been doing lately. 😉

At the Doctors

10-Month Checkup

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

William – weight – 21 lbs 5.5 oz (48%tile) and length – 29 3/4 in (78%tile). Will is getting more and more interested in moving. He crawls better and constantly tries to pull himself up, sometimes more successful than other times. He is very happy and likes to clap. There appears to be some teeth ready to come in on top but none have shown through yet. The doctor said all is good.

Cora – weight – 17lbs 4 1/4 oz (11%tile) and length – 27 1/4 inches (20%tile). Peanut!!! We said she is eating though – just moves constantly to burn off the calories she eats. Just tiny. Cora is a mover and shaker. She tries to hold herself up now without the help of other objects – only for a moment or two. She now has 6 teeth in her little mouth.

They had their hemoglobin checked today – doc says it was a little low for both but nothing to be concerned about. Neither look anemic and both are eating well. She said they would just check again at 12 months. Weird that both would be a little low…hmmm.


Crawling, More Crawling and Other Sweet Things

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora is a speed crawler…she flies down the hallway, greets people at the front door, and heads to the bathroom as soon as someone turns the light on. She is amazing with her speed. She also is perfecting the standing and sitting. She tried to walk a little with the walkers and I ordered a little cart for her to push around to perfect her walking soon.

Cora also has started to wave. If you say bye bye or hello she will lift her little tiny hand and wave. It is adorable. She also has started to stay bye bye as well but you have to speak her language to understand. But she does reply to you when you say it to her…amazing.

Will is also crawling now. He is not as fast and vears to the right whenever he does crawl. But he is finally getting around. He can stand and hold itself up but has not perfected the sitting and standing on his own yet. His has also started to clap…pretty sweet. His smile is cutesy even without teeth and strangers love his red hair. I think he could probably not do anything more and people would still love him because of that hair.