The Muller-Zelazny Family

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A Few More Good Quotes

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Today we went to Denise’s mother-in-law’s wake. We are sorry for their loss but had to laugh at Evan’s comment to Josh when we got there. Of course everyone is in suits and nice outfits. Evan so politely said to Josh,

“I am sorry for your loss and why are you wearing that costume?” – in reference to his suit.

It was a nice change to the somber moment.

Also, today on the way home from school, I took a half day and actually got to pick up evan – he had another good comment. He was explaining his plans for the afternoon –

“you know…Mac and cheese, go outside to take a walk with Denise and the babies, come home and nap and then play batman.”

He then passed his ideas to me and told me to put them in my brain so I could have the same thoughts.

So many good things happening.

Quotes School

More Fun at Pre-School

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday as I went to pick up Evan, one of Evan’s pre-school teachers said she had to tell me a funny story. Apparently the kids were learning a song that involved a row boat and rowing motions (not row row row your boat…). As the kids were doing the rowing motions – the teacher noticed Evan was not doing the motions so she asked him why he was not doing them. Even replied:

“I am not rowing because my boat is not a row boat it’s a motor boat!”

The teacher said she and the other teachers could not help but to laugh at his comment – as did I when I heard it.

This is similar to another great Evan comment a week or so ago when I dropped him off wearing his brand new yellow sneakers. The teacher told Evan “man I cannot see your feet!” (thinking that they could definitely not see Evan’s feet in general (in his shoes) because his shoes were so bright). Evan replied:

“That’s because they are in my shoes!”

These comments sound exactly like something I would say as a child! He is quick – and will surely give me a run for my money. Good thing I have been waiting to meet my match 😉

School Uncategorized

What Happened at Pre-school?

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Each Tuesday and Thursday I look forward to coming home and hearing about what Evan said at preschool – I always hope for good news.

Last week we heard about how Evan corrected his teacher while she read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. It seems she is not a big fan of the book and she was trying to skip some pages or at least some words to get through the fairly long book quicker. Well Evan, who practically has the book memorized, mentioned several times that she was saying the “wrong word” (one of his catch phrases) and skipping pages. She loves Evan but all you teachers know how we do not appreciate the student who constantly correct us – hopefully his cuteness helps her look past the corrections. 🙂


Evan the Bowler

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday after school I took Evan to a bowling alley where we met one of his friends for an afternoon game of bowling. Evan was quite upset the yellow ball was too heavy for him but we found a nice blue bowling ball for him. He did pretty good – he got a 56 for his first game…not too bad!

At the Doctors

Everyone is Healthy

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

And just like that…everyone is feeling better and got a clean bill of health from the doctor at their checkup. All three kids got their ears looked at and their hearts’ listened to (upon Evan’s request to the doctor). Will had to get his chest listened to as he had to use an inhaler for a week due to some congestion in his lungs. Fortunately – everything checked out ok there as well. (The photo was taken at the doctor’s office while we were waiting for the doctor.)

Thankfully during this bout of colds, Amy and I both did not get sick…although we were both exhausted due to the fact someone seemed to wake up in the middle of the night each night. We look forward to some restful nights!

At the Doctors

Everyone is Sick

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Medicine for all!

We went to the doctor on Friday for Evan – he had a low grade fever for several days and then Friday started to complain about his ear. He has a double ear infection and started his antibiotics on Friday night. We also had the doctor check out Cora’s ears and at that point she was fine.

Today we called first thing to make another appointment, this time for Cora and Will. Both have a horrible cough, are not eating too much, sleeping horribly (we are exhausted), I noticed ear pulling yesterday and Will was wheezing yesterday. Quite a list. We went is morning and Will has one ear infected and bronchiolitis (like bronchitis but in babies) and Cora has a double ear infection (remember her ears were fine on Friday.

Anyway…all three kids are now on antibiotics and Will has to use a nebulizer every four hours. They actually did a breathing treatment right in the office for Will – he did not like it at all. We go back tomorrow to have Will checked again.

It has been a long week here….I am actually happy there a reasons for all the screaming. Please hope for a quick recovery for all!!!!

Firsts Just Cora

Cora on Patrol

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Monday I got a summons to go upstairs to look into the babys’ room by their babysitter. I walked in and saw Cora happily standing up looking around in her crib. She was super proud of herself for getting up in the bed and even took some side steps while holding onto the rail. Needless to say – the crib mattress has now been lowered so she cannot climb out…for a few more months.

General Quotes

Getting Bigger…

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

There are some times when Amy and I look at Evan and think “wow – he is getting so big”. He is soon going to be taller than aunt Julie, and then a few months later, taller than me! We have been going through his baby pictures lately to compare his looks with the twins and vice versa. We noticed we have a number of photos of Evan sitting at his chair in the dining room so I decided to take this one so we could do some comparisons over the last few years (and boy has he grown!). I will try to get on the ball and get some more podcasts/videos of him because man does he have a story to tell…

Recently he told Amy:

“Tell Mommy I am getting the hang of being a big boy.”

(Evan’s new thing is to tell someone to tell someone else something.)

He is getting bigger and stronger everyday and I look forward to watching him grow even more!