The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Helping Out

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Ever since the kids have started sitting at the table to eat their Cheerios – Evan has been enjoying helping out (giving them Cheerios, and more Cheerios) and making them laugh. The twins love their big brother and Evan loves them as well. He loves being near them, hugging them, and kissing them. A big thanks to Evan when he reads this for being such a good helper and big brother!

Just Cora

Cute Cora

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

There are sometimes when the light looks perfect for taking photos – and I happened to catch one of these moments while feeding Cora last Sunday.


Fun Sledding

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and I – along with our friends Phil and Ginny – took Evan sledding yesterday at a nearby park. In Illinois – the only hills are either retention ponds or land fills so “natural” sledding hills are not very common. We all had a blast and hope to go again soon.

Just Will

Will in the Bath

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will loves to take baths. He loves splashing around and of course trying to put all the bath toys in his mouth. Here are a few shots of him having a good time in the bath!

Just Cora

“Cora Was a Bad Girl Today”

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This is what I heard when I picked the kids up today. You might be thinking….how can this be said about a little girl with such a sweet smile? Denise shared the story….both babies had a bad sleeping day, not too much sleep. So Will was sleeping in the vibrating chair and she finally gave up on trying to get Cora to sleep so she was crawling around the room….until she started heading for Will. She crawled right over to Will, pulled herself up onto the vibrating chair (she is actually pulling herself up on quite a bit), and strting hitting Will – which of course woke him up in a not so friendly way. So then both babies are crying and not too happy…but still really cute :).

Favorites General

Just Like Mommy, Evan Loves the Snow

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

photo1Evan, Amy, and I enjoyed a day outside shoveling, throwing snowballs, and walking on the snow. Evan loved every minute being outside and did not complain about being cold – even after being out for over an hour. He enjoyed the “snow seat” and igloo I made for him out of snow piles and snow drifts. Check out the photos with more pictures of Evan and the crazy snow we got in the last day here in Chicago.

Family Holidays

Christmas – A Month Later

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

It has been a while since our last update….lots going on. So just a few notes. We spent Christmas in Florida with Jen’s parents and grandparents. I was pretty frustrated because I was in Florida and the temperature was only in the 50s, but it was nice to see family and I know that Gaga and Papa were very excited to see all the kids.

Evan had fun, constantly opening presents. Will enjoyed eating all the tissue paper he could get his hands on. Cora was excited just to play and scream (thankfully this screaming habit has passed). Jen was busy becoming an expert with the Fushigi ball. I got to take a few walks and even saw an armadillo.

The sun was shining bright some of the time and we went out to an awesome park nearby. Evan had so much fun on the seesaw and the giant sandbox – what could be better?

Of course there were a lot of golf cart rides as well with Papa. Thank you to Vickey and Phil for everything.

At the Doctors

8 Month Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora and Will had their 8 month appointment this morning. Here are the stats:


  • 16 pounds 7 ounces (18th percentile)
  • 27 inches (45th percentile)
  • head 45cm (85th percentile)


  • 20 pounds 4 ounces (57 percentile)
  • 28.5 inches (72 percentile)
  • head 45.5cm (57 percentile)

The doctor also said they could have soft food, yogurt, soft cheese and
cherios. So they also had their first Cheerios today – they both had one but Cora seemed to want to play with them more than eat them. Probably the only thing she has not put in her mouth in the last few months. Crazy.


Yes or No?

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

In the last few months Evan has come up with a couple statements/comments that just make us laugh.

Two examples…
1. Evan likes to give options- Can I play on the computer? Yes or no? I love it, so he thinks I may not know what the possible options are that he needs to give them to me. Love it.

2. When most of us refer to something being the opposite of up-side-down as right-side-up. Well Evan is not to sure about that statement, so he says up-side-up. It bring a smile to my face every time.