The Muller-Zelazny Family

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One Tooth Spotted

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora’s first tooth came through today – bottom right. She does not seem to be too bothered by it, but we will see.

Firsts Just Will

Will is Moving Backwards

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

First he rolled but did not do it again for about three weeks, then Cora started crawling everywhere then finally Jen went into the living room and he had moved himself backwards. We are perfectly happy with Will’s development, but it is hard to not compare when there are two. So Will is still pretty content just sitting but if he does for some reason fall over or get knocked over he will attempt to move a little, if he is in the mood.

He is still eating like a champ though and loves to drive around in his car and of course he is an awesome sleeper. He gets that blanket, his baby Mickey (was once Evan’s – a gift from Aunt Kathy) and he is out.

More to come I am sure.


Ga Ga – Ba Ba

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora has started her consonant sounds. No mama yet, but I am working on it.

Firsts Just Cora

Cora is Crawling

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora has decided it is time to move and boy has she got it down. She is heading all over the house, thankfully not to quick yet. She started with just some downward dog movements and some rocking but she is definitely moving…even trying at times to pull herself up on stuff.

We have a feeling she will be walking before her first birthday in May. She enjoys exploring the dog/cat water dish in the kitchen, her brothers bedroom and she just crawled into the bathroom while I was bathing William. She is such a cutey – crawling around and then looking up at you with that huge smile :). Movie to come.


Evan Turns 4

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday Evan turned four years old. He woke up, opened presents from family and friends, and then watched his favorite movie (Tom and Jerry Nutcracker). After Denise arrived, Evan and I went to the local donut shop to get donut holes for a birthday treat for his pre-school class. He went in and wanted a peppermint donut (which they had) and then we took it home for him to eat before his class.

After that, I went to work and he played with some of his new toys and enjoyed the morning. Unfortunately – he started complaining about not feeling well and by the time I took him to pre-school he looked wiped out. He was not interested in lunch (not even fire chips) but when he got to school he seems to light up a bit.

When I picked him up, he told me he wanted a nap and after telling him a ghost story (his favorite type of stories) he quickly fell asleep. When he woke up, he opened a few more presents (including the super flying airplane I bought him) but was not very excited with anything.

For dinner – we made plans to take him to Portillos and then to Chuck E Cheese with his friend Caden and his dad. He did not even eat his french fries let alone his hot dog, and by the time we got to Chuck E Cheese – he looked wiped out again. After 30 minutes or so of playing games, we sat down to have cup cakes, but he instead of wanting a cup cake, wanted to go home. At that point we knew he was not feeling well.

Turns out he had a slight fever, so after some medicine, he went to bed without arguing. No one likes to be sick – especially on his birthday, but he woke up this morning feeling much better and super excited to play with all the new toys he got.

Thanks to Uncle Mike (and family) and the Reid family for calling and singing Happy Birthday!

Favorites Friends Holidays

Evan’s 4th Birthday Party!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

img_2578Evan and all his friends had quite an exciting birthday party last week. We had the Traveling World of Reptiles come and give a fun filled hour + presentation on reptiles. We had a 150lb python, a tortoise, crocodile, lizards, etc in our home as Dave talked to everyone about the reptile’s natural habitats, the dangers of having them as pets, and how to interact with them.

Overall – I think everyone of all ages enjoyed the show and were pleasantly surprised how much fun it was. After the show, we all enjoyed Portillos and Costo cake.

Here are some pictures from the big event. A big thanks to all those that came out for the celebration.


Don’t Eat the Blue Ice

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Yesterday, Denise picked up Evan from his pre-school class and returned with a funny story. Evan loves snow and eating snow. Just before pre-school I found him eating snow off the parking lot which I quickly told him not to do, but on the way out of his pre-school he saw something that interested him: blue ice (blue salt to melt the ice). Apparently he saw it and thought it was some sort of super treat that came with the snow and picked some up, put it in his mouth and quickly spit it out.

While Denise quickly yelled at him – it became a good lesson. Not everything that looks exciting is good for you – even if it is blue!


She is Rockin’

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

While Will is still mastering how to roll over, Cora has been learning to master the pre-crawl rock. She has been spending a lot more time pushing herself into the crawl pose and then rocking back and forth. She is definitely the mover and shaker out of the bunch and I can only imagine what it will be like with her on the loose. I have a feeling she will be chasing her brothers around the house in no time!


Finally Rolling

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The kids spent the day at Denise’s house today, thank goodness since I am totally sick. Denise called midmorning and I was expecting to hear that someone else was sick, but instead she told me Will finally decided to roll over. Cora has been rolling all over for weeks, as opposed to Will who did not see a reason to roll. But he finally decided to do it today. Unfortunately he is still pretty top heavy so he gets onto his stomach and then just screams because he cannot hold himself up or roll back over. But he is moving and that is the important part.