The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: Cora

Firsts Just Cora

Cora on Patrol

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Monday I got a summons to go upstairs to look into the babys’ room by their babysitter. I walked in and saw Cora happily standing up looking around in her crib. She was super proud of herself for getting up in the bed and even took some side steps while holding onto the rail. Needless to say – the crib mattress has now been lowered so she cannot climb out…for a few more months.


Helping Out

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Ever since the kids have started sitting at the table to eat their Cheerios – Evan has been enjoying helping out (giving them Cheerios, and more Cheerios) and making them laugh. The twins love their big brother and Evan loves them as well. He loves being near them, hugging them, and kissing them. A big thanks to Evan when he reads this for being such a good helper and big brother!

Just Cora

Cute Cora

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

There are sometimes when the light looks perfect for taking photos – and I happened to catch one of these moments while feeding Cora last Sunday.


Our Dinner Guest

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

If you have ever been with us at dinner time – you know it is not a relaxing time by any means. This tends to be the twin’s fussy time and it is usually a tag team event (“You eat first, then I will eat when you are done”). Last night I decided to bring an antsy Cora to the table (I was holding the chair with one hand – do not worry). She loves to sit up and see all the action and this was perfect – as Amy, Evan, and I were able to eat a somewhat enjoyable dinner together. I am glad she liked the chair – but the entire time she was sitting there I had to smile because she reminded me of the Lincoln monument in Washington DC with her hands on the chair, etc.