The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: Evan

Firsts Friends

Keeping Gloves on a 2 Year Old

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Tape Hands How do you keep gloves on a two year old who wants to go outside, but cannot seem to keep his gloves on? Tape. I was joking with our babysitter about how I needed to do something drastic to keep Evan’s gloves on and mentioned next time I took him out I was going to duct tape them on. Today – when I picked Evan up – Denise (E’s babysitter) showed us how she taped his gloves on – and it worked like a charm!


Self Portraits

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and Amy

Evan and Amy

Amy is famous for doing self portraits of her – with Evan…and here is the latest. I cannot even begin to estimate the number of self portraits we have of Amy and Evan (can it be a self portrait if there is more than you in the picture?) since Evan came home from the hospital. In this picture – check out Evan’s long eyelashes!


The Lost Photo

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I recently went through my phone and noticed I had some pictures that I never posted – like this one which is a perfect “if this is not an Amy face – I do not know what is” pose by Evan on the plane ride home from Disney World back in June. Evan is looking at me like “Not only do I have to sit on a plane for over two hours, I have to sit in my car seat, in my pajamas, and you are taking a picture of me?” There are just sometimes he looks so much like Amy it is crazy. Of course when he does something cool – he looks like me. 😉

Friends General

march playdates!

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Evan and MichaelEvan spent a day playing with two different friends over the last few weekends. We first went over to Eve’s house where Evan enjoyed playing in the cool tunnel system in Eve’s basement. Last weekend we had his friend Michael over and they enjoyed walking around and playing with toys. I have posted photos from both exciting playdates!