The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: growing up

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Getting Bigger…

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

There are some times when Amy and I look at Evan and think “wow – he is getting so big”. He is soon going to be taller than aunt Julie, and then a few months later, taller than me! We have been going through his baby pictures lately to compare his looks with the twins and vice versa. We noticed we have a number of photos of Evan sitting at his chair in the dining room so I decided to take this one so we could do some comparisons over the last few years (and boy has he grown!). I will try to get on the ball and get some more podcasts/videos of him because man does he have a story to tell…

Recently he told Amy:

“Tell Mommy I am getting the hang of being a big boy.”

(Evan’s new thing is to tell someone to tell someone else something.)

He is getting bigger and stronger everyday and I look forward to watching him grow even more!