The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Tag: hat

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Mommy’s Beautiful Hat

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

For years (probably 20) I have worn a ski hat – red with a big ball on the top and have loved it. Amy thought it was a bit much – especially since it had a hole in the middle (I called it the bullet hole), so I only wore it when using the snowblower on below zero days. The other day I put it on and as soon as Evan saw me where it, he looked at me and said very seriously “Mommy – your hat is beautiful!” That little sentence made my day because Amy had been making fun of it for years.

When we got home from our outing where I wore the hat – I put it on the table by the door (ok – probably the floor) and put Evan to bed. I went down to my office for a few minutes to quickly check email and the next thing I know Amy called me up to see the result of a horrible incident – Colby (who never has once shredded anything) – decided he liked my hat too and shredded the ball on top so that only 4 strands were left. I went from having a wonderful (beautiful even) hat to having a Charlie Brown Christmas tree like hat. Oh well. At least at the end of the day I can say Evan thought it was beautiful. Thanks Evan!