The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: Jen


From Jen’s Perspective

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

When we found out the last IVF cycle did not work, Amy and I were both pretty upset. Everything went well, the prognosis was great, but for whatever reason…it just did not take. Our fertility doctor scheduled the post procedure appointment to talk about it, options, etc and we both went without too much hope. She talked to us about possibly moving to a new state (ha) to get it covered, having me try (no way), or trying a cycle using IVF drugs but using IUI. Fertility treatments are not cheap, but we both wanted to give it one last shot.

I sold my beloved Apple and McDonalds stock to pay for most of it and we were off to give it one last shot. The numbers did not look good, but I wanted to make sure we would not regret not trying later. Amy did her acupuncture and I just hoped for a positive first test – because that is by far the hardest thing to deal with…all the work and then not even the satisfaction of a positive…even if only the first test.

After we found out the first test was positive I started getting nervous and had it in my mind Amy was pregnant with six. I just had a weird feeling since we had no idea how many eggs were really produced and good. The next test showed a very high number which indicated multiples. Next up was the initial ultrasound to see how many were actually in place. Before the appointment Amy and I were talking and we were hoping for two and not three (or my six). (Although I had my TLC show name ready (Amy and Jen plus ten) (we would include pets too). When there was only two – I remember being very excited.

On the way home, I called my parents and grandparents. I will never forget talking to my grandparents – they seemed pretty nervous. 😉 That night, I do not think Amy or I slept at all. All sorts of questions/thoughts raced through our heads. (How are we going to pay for college, do our cars fit three car seats in the back, etc).

After that – I have gone through periods of excitement followed by periods of nervousness…and these periods can last minutes or days.

At this point – I just make fun of Amy as she “had to get the stroller put together” even though the act of taking the twins on a walk is months away. She has been pushing to get everything in order and the babies’ room is just about ready to go with clean clothes, matching crib stuff (except pink for Cora and blue for Will), and etc.

Amy always loved being pregnant with Evan and it was hard to see her so uncomfortable/sick this time around. The last few months have been better but she still is uncomfortable since they are constantly trying to stretch her stomach out so they have some room.

I look forward to meeting the twins later this year…and every day think ok – at least this is one more day that they are still inside growing (I am overly worried about them coming early). When they do come – hopefully they will both be happy and healthy – and good playmates for Evan.

Three kids…who would have thought?

Favorites General

Mommy’s Beautiful Hat

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

For years (probably 20) I have worn a ski hat – red with a big ball on the top and have loved it. Amy thought it was a bit much – especially since it had a hole in the middle (I called it the bullet hole), so I only wore it when using the snowblower on below zero days. The other day I put it on and as soon as Evan saw me where it, he looked at me and said very seriously “Mommy – your hat is beautiful!” That little sentence made my day because Amy had been making fun of it for years.

When we got home from our outing where I wore the hat – I put it on the table by the door (ok – probably the floor) and put Evan to bed. I went down to my office for a few minutes to quickly check email and the next thing I know Amy called me up to see the result of a horrible incident – Colby (who never has once shredded anything) – decided he liked my hat too and shredded the ball on top so that only 4 strands were left. I went from having a wonderful (beautiful even) hat to having a Charlie Brown Christmas tree like hat. Oh well. At least at the end of the day I can say Evan thought it was beautiful. Thanks Evan!