The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: outside

Firsts Friends

Keeping Gloves on a 2 Year Old

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Tape Hands How do you keep gloves on a two year old who wants to go outside, but cannot seem to keep his gloves on? Tape. I was joking with our babysitter about how I needed to do something drastic to keep Evan’s gloves on and mentioned next time I took him out I was going to duct tape them on. Today – when I picked Evan up – Denise (E’s babysitter) showed us how she taped his gloves on – and it worked like a charm!


Evan Loves the Sprinkler

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Over the weekend Amy and I decided to do some yardwork and to entertain Evan – I put on the sprinkler and he loved it. I know – no pictures or video – but this time I just wanted to enjoy it…pictures and videos next time.

I put the water on really low so the sprinkler was at his level and he just kept laughing every time the water went in his face. I cannot wait until we get him a pool!