The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: photos


New October 2010 Photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and Cora I finally emptied the camera and uploaded some of my favorite photos from the last two weeks. There are some photos of the kids in their new toys (which Amy thinks makes things about 5% easier now – with some more options), the kids eating their first bite of food, and of everyone hanging around. Their big brother Evan enjoys the new toys too. He really likes gently pushing everyone around in their toys as well as playing with the kids when they are playing on the floor. Check out the latest photos.


Photos From the Last Week

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will in his chair We are constantly getting requests for “some updated photos on the web site”. Generally we have a hard time getting a lot (or any) because by the time someone finds the camera, and the camera’s battery actually has a charge, there are two kids that need some sort of attention. Once that crisis is over – we are either too tired or have completely forgot to get the camera again for the photo. I have been trying to make an effort to take some more photos – generally when at least one of them is sleeping so here you go: a few new pictures. I will try and be better about taking/uploading them in the next coming weeks/years 😉


Random Pictures From My Phone

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Every once and awhile Evan likes to just sit down with my iPhone and flip through the photos. I noticed last night that there were a few cute recent ones that I should share. From left to right: E and Amy at his swimming class, Evan in the bath tub practicing floating and kicking, and Evan and our neighbors’ 20 year old cat Jessy.

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Early Summer 2009 Photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

EvanEvan has had a busy summer and we finally posted some pictures from the last few weeks. Some of the pictures have our friend’s greyhounds in them – Gopher will look familiar, but they got a new greyhound right before we got Colby and her name is Ada. Evan absolutely loved spending time with them and still talks about Gopher and Ada daily. Of course – Evan also loves fountains and Amy has been taking him to a nearby fountain daily and he has loved every second of it – especially when there are other kids there because he LOVES kids. Check out the new photos.

Family Friends

Summer Pictures

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan Laughing

Evan Laughing

After a few weeks of not downloading pictures to my computer – I realized I had a lot of photos from this past summer that were not shared on this web site. I have posted new photos from a visit to Eve’s house (Evan’s friend), a visit with Aiden (another of Evan’s friends), Evan working for my company, Evan at his gym class, and Grandma Z’s visit. Enjoy!

General Trips

Random Pictures Taken in March/April

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Over the last two months, I have taken some photos using my iPhone in random places at random times and decided to post some of them. The picture of Evan and his friends are actually a few of the kids he plays with when he goes to the “alternate” babysitter. Most of the other pictures are from when we went to Penn State a few weeks ago and then the others were taken in the last week. He is hard to get still to take a good picture of because he is constantly on the move or wanting the camera – but check out the new photos!

Firsts Friends General

first birthday party.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Evan had a fun and busy day on his first birthday. His Grandma Z was in town to help celebrate and about thirty or so other friends came to his party. We got Portillos catered in, along with some of Mrs. R’s famous mostacolli, and some amazing chips and salsa from a neighborhood bar (along with Coca Cola products, beer, and an awesome cake from Costco). I have posted some pictures from the big day – he was exhausted (and missed his morning nap), but he made it through the whole day without any meltdowns until after he went to sleep.


i see you!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
I see you!

I have posted some new photos taken over the last few days. His latest “trick” is to look around things to see you. Whether it is a car seat, a napkin, or a camera…there is no hiding from this one.

General News

november pictures.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We have posted some new pictures that were taken over the last few weeks. He is getting so big and we decided we needed to add some new pictures to the web site. About the Dallas Cowboy pictures – our friend Josh is a big Cowboys fan and is trying to get Evan to be a Cowboys fan. Until our (Chicago) coach is gone, I am fine with new football team options. (I need to do a better job getting him into the Broncos.) Check out the latest photos.