The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: playground

Firsts General

Becoming a Big Boy

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan aka BonoThe last few weeks have been very interesting for me as a parent. Evan now will tell you that his stomach hurts when he has a stomach ache, instead of just saying he wants to watch George (Curious George) he will actually tell you which one (space, vegetables, treehouse, etc), and he actually will pose for you when taking a picture.

He is just about potty trained as well which is really nice. He still wears a diaper when he goes to bed and a pull up when we go out somewhere, but he wears underwear the rest of the time when he is home with us. Most of the time we know he went only by him asking for candy corn (that is what we give him as a reward for going), otherwise he is pretty efficient and proud of it! He is becoming a great little “big boy” – as he calls himself.

Evan at the PlaygroundEvan also loves going to the playground to play with “friends”. Any time there are kids around he calls them “my friends” and loves to run around with them. It is really cool to see him play and interact with other kids as good as he does. It does not really matter what age they are. He loves babies and he recently decided one of our friends’ middle school aged son was his “friend” too. Evan followed him around, ate dinner with him, and was sad when we had to leave. At the playground, he has also decided he really likes the slides (he was not really a fan for a long time), as well as likes to swing on the big boy swings (just the flat no-back swings). Next summer should be fun as he will be most likely be riding his tricycle non-stop and be even more interactive with his little friends.