The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: Pre-School

Just Evan School

Pre-School Graduation

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Hard to believe Evan has been in pre-school for two years and now has graduated. I will definitely miss walking with him to his school and seeing his little friends that I have watched grow/mature over the past two years. For the big graduation day – the kids performed 2 songs for the parents and then got their diplomas. Evan loved his teachers and will hopefully built some long lasting friendships.


Evan at School

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The Reading Pool

Evan’s teacher sent us this picture of Evan and his two friends reading in the “reading pool” in pre-school yesterday. The kids are all wearing safari hats as well as this week is “Safari Week” in school.

Firsts General

The Ladies’ Man

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Well – I cannot say this for sure, but I think I witnessed Evan’s first kiss yesterday. Ginny and I picked him up from pre-school and on his way out he was looking around for his friend to say goodbye. He found her, gave her a big hug, and then kissed her on the lips and told her he would miss her. Ginny and I both had to laugh a little – as did the girl’s mother. Look out ladies – Evan is on the prowl 😉

Firsts School

Evan’s First Day of Pre-School

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Today was E’s first day of pre-school (how time flies!). For the first day – the school wanted to have the parents go with the kids for one hour to give everyone an idea of what to expect. Everything is scheduled – which is great for E as he has been able to do pretty much whatever he wants whenever he wants during the day (pluses and minuses). As soon as you get there each day – the kids have to wash their hands and can then go into the back room and freely play for 15 minutes. There is a sand station, a table for Play-Doh, a few easels for painting, and a little house/kitchen area.

E playing

When the fifteen minutes are up – the kids then go into the front room where they all sit around in a circle and sing some songs and listen to the teacher read a book. When that is done – they then learn about the craft for the day that they are going to make (it relates to the book they just read), and can go and play either in the front or back room and/or make the craft. After awhile of that – the teacher rings a bell which signals the kids to put all toys away and go back into the front room for some final activities (more songs).

We live a few blocks from his school so we walked there and back on a beautiful fall day. Evan looks forward to going back – and so do I…since I forgot his backpack on the first day. Hey – at least I remembered it…after initially forgetting it. 😉