The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: sharing

Firsts General

sharing time.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Over the past few weeks Evan has really gotten into the “sharing” mode. Whatever he has in his hands (his blanket, food, toys, etc) he now likes to give it to you, then nicely take it back, then give it to you again. This is pretty darn cute…especially the blanket sharing as he loves to smell his blanket and when he gives it to you, he expects you to smell it too. I know a few people who will appreciate that. 😉

Firsts General

evan likes to share.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This morning Evan and I were hanging out and he was playing with one of his teething toys. He chewed on it for awhile, pulled it out of his mouth, got a big smile on his face, then tried to put it in my mouth. I pretended to chew on it, then he put it back in his mouth. A few minutes later, did the same thing again – each time just smiling like it was the coolest thing ever. For those 1980s children out there like me – it was a real Sloth and Chunk moment. (Mom – if you do not understand the reference, ask Dad.)