The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: sleeping

Firsts Holidays July 4th

Happy Independence Day!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday we all celebrated Independence Day. Some of us had BBQ, others enjoyed a hot day outside…and the twins enjoyed their first night in their own cribs. I thought it would be only fitting to have their first night apart be on Independence Day and they did great. Cora finally slept on some pink sheets and Will did not have to worry about his sister crying in his ear when she got hungry. It is a bit odd to have them apart, but after seeing how big they are getting – I thought it was time.

They are getting so big in fact that we have to take out the extras in the pack and play (stuffed animals, extra burp cloths, etc so they can both fit in there.

Here’s to a memorable Independence Day!