The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: snow

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Just Like Mommy, Evan Loves the Snow

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

photo1Evan, Amy, and I enjoyed a day outside shoveling, throwing snowballs, and walking on the snow. Evan loved every minute being outside and did not complain about being cold – even after being out for over an hour. He enjoyed the “snow seat” and igloo I made for him out of snow piles and snow drifts. Check out the photos with more pictures of Evan and the crazy snow we got in the last day here in Chicago.


Evan Loves the Snow

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and his fortEvan loves the snow much like I do. He loves shoveling, walking in the snow, finding trucks, golf balls, and other assorted things that are uncovered when the snow melts, and making snow angels. Of course – he does not like to get snow on his bare hands and when he does, he cries (still does not get the idea that he can easily warm them) but he is generally a real trouper outside. I posted a new set of pictures taken at the babysitter’s house a few days ago.


Our Christmas Tree

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

img_0486 Over the weekend we went out and picked out our Christmas tree. Evan enjoyed looking at all the trees and of course talking to all the people that were around us. We picked out the tree and upon paying for it Evan enjoyed one of the employee candy canes. Luckily for us, the cashier was in the Christmas spirt so Evan did not get yelled at.

When we got home and started decorating, Evan got quite excited and even helped put on some of the ornaments. He ended up putting them all in one area, some on the same branch, but since he wanted to help, they are on as he wanted. All in all, Evan absolutely loves decorations and loves to point them out wherever we go. He especially likes going to stores like Target where they have tons of decorations hanging down from the ceiling. As soon as we walk in – his face lights up.

img_0487While getting the tree ready in the garage, Evan decided he wanted to play out in the snow. He did not have any snow pants on so I was surprised how long he stayed out there, but he had a blast playing first with all his trucks in the snow, then building a “castle” with all his sidewalk chalk. Evan and I have also been enjoying the snow together as I discovered we have a common interest: throwing snowballs. As soon as we go outside he gets a snowball together and throws it at me and then I throw one at him. I look forward to next year when we can build forts together and have a real snowball war!

Friends General

february photos!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Bears fan

I have added some new photos of Evan including more first haircut, sledding, and other cute photos we have taken over the last two weeks. Last Friday Evan and I went over to a former co-worker’s house who has three boys and had a great time as you will see in the pictures!

Favorites Firsts General

i like snow!

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments
Christmas outfit

Evan got a really cool sled for his birthday and finally got a chance to use it in his front yard this week. He liked the snow, the sled, and the snowball Mommy made for him, but he had a hard time picking it up since his mittens do not have a separate compartment for his thumb. Next year we will build a cool snowman together. Check out the other photos of Evan in the snow.