The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Tag: why



Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I knew it was coming – but I was not ready for it when it actually did. On Friday Evan started asking “why?” about everything anyone said to him. At first I decided I would humor him and go as many levels deep as needed – but after everything I said spurred another “why?” – I quickly got exhausted.

A perfect example happened when we were in my car on our way to O’Hare to drop off Grandma Z. Evan is really big into letters and words now and when he sees a word – he always wants you to tell him what it is. He saw the “Warning” on my passenger sun visor (about air bags) and he started off by having Grandma Z read the word “Warning” to him. He quickly wanted to know what the other words were so Grandma Z read him the whole warning and soon got asked “why?” about the statement. I decided to humor him and we went about five levels of why deep until we got into why doctors worked at hospitals. (Warning – serious injury can occur… > Why > because even though the air bag is made to help people – it can also hurt kids, etc > Why > if a child sits in the front seat and the airbag deploys during an accident – they will need to go to the hospital > Why > that is where all the doctors are to help people who get hurt > Why > the doctors work together at one place with all the equipment so they can effective treat people…

All in all – this got really old (instead of cute) by yesterday morning. There are two outcomes I can hope for this this…

  1. Keep asking a string of why’s until I can get to the start of the universe (theories like the Big Bang/Multiverse)
  2. Start having him tell me creative answers to why