The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

first bottle.

Firsts General
Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

After not seeing Evan all day yesterday (he was sleeping when I left in the morning and sleeping when I got home), I really wanted to spend time with him when he woke up for his night feeding. Amy and I were planning on waiting until he was three weeks old to introduce a bottle, but we gave it a shot last night. At first Evan just started screaming when I tried to put it in his mouth, but after I calmly explained that he needed it to grown and be strong like the Penn State football players, he took it and actually went through two bottles. We were so proud of him.

One thought on “first bottle.”

  1. Grandma Zelazny

    Good boy, Evan! I am sure that Mommy’s advice helped you to understand completely how important it is to take the bottle so you can grow up to be a big strong linebacker for PSU! Papa and Gaga can’t wait for those tailgate parties to start again!! Do you want Gaga to make the little pizzas or do you want to make your own sundae?

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