The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Playing With Toys

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Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

Now that Evan is awake more, he now likes to lay on the floor and play with his toys. It looks like swatting more than playing sometimes, but let’s face it…he lives with two cats that swat at their toys too.

3 thoughts on “Playing With Toys”

  1. Amy L.

    Ohh… cute! What a little peanut. His color looks great so I hope that is not an issue anymore. He’s getting so big so quickly. BTW…..the little brother tee is adorable. I’ve never seen them that small. It through me off for a second.

  2. Grandma H

    I think that my little pumpkin is destined for the soccer field. His ball kicking stills are wunderbar!

  3. amy

    Yeah..the little brother tshirt confuses most people who see it….but the girls (Triscuit, Salsa, and Pita) really wanted to get him a little something:). Yes, his color is much better and last time we went to the doctor they were happy. We go again in a week or so for his one month appointment.
    He is great and really doing well – besides the occasional fussy periods – he is wonderful!

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