The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Web Site Updates

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan "Ewww"
After talking to Evan yesterday about the state of his web site which I created about a year and a half ago – we decided it was time a few things were updated. Most of the updates were made on the backend so it would be even easier to maintain but there are a few new items to note. The homepage now shows several random pictures, recent posts, and recent comments. The sidebar now shows what Evan really likes as well as the weather here in Chicago in case anyone was wondering.

The biggest change is the photo gallery. After realizing the old photo section would soon be a long list of all Evan’s pictures – I decided to break everything up by year. This way you can still see all the “albums” – but everything would be even more categorized. The photos should load quicker because they are now cached. I am still working on the layout of the photo album, but so far it is a huge improvement on the backend at the very least.

To save a picture at full size – make sure you are on a gallery page (page with multiple images and not the album listing page) and for Mac users – hold down the “Control” key and select “Save image to Desktop”. If you are on a gallery page, you can either view the photos as a slideshow or as a list of photos. If you click on one photo, you can scroll through all of them by using the small arrows on the left hand side, below the image.

Anyway – enjoy and expect to see some more improvements.

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