The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

A New Skill

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

On Friday evening, while I was at my first recipe party, I got three phone calls from Jen. When I called her back she informed me that Evan had learned a new skill. He climbed out of his crib three times that night. I was not surprised since he is growing so tall so quickly, I was more concerned about the following bedtimes. Saturday night – no problem. We stayed up a little later and E went down without a fuss, but last night was not so easy. I put E down, again a little later than usual, but about 10 minutes later when I was in the shower I heard little feet running all over the house. We watched cartoons for a little while and I tried again, with no success. E was up until 9:15, when he finally began to fall asleep watching cartoons in our bed.
He actually is very good at the skill. He can climb out of the crib without making too much noise at all, he usually gets onto his truck that plays two nursery rhymes – really loud and then exits his room and shuts the door behind him.
Every day is a new day. Hopefully we can figure this one out quickly. 🙂

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