The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Potty Training: This Morning- a Success

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Amy and I have been working with E for a month or so in the morning to try to get him to to associate getting up with going to the bathroom in the bathroom and not in his diaper. It is a big treat for him because we take him in there, make him sit down (not a treat) on his sweet Elmo potty chair, we read a book to him, and then he gets to get up, wash his hands, brush his teeth, and then get dressed.

While he is not a fan of the potty chair – he does enjoy washing his hands and brushing his teeth. This morning however – he actually went where and when he should have. I am not sure who was more excited – me or him, but I hope this becomes more regular. I am really getting tired of the diapers.

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