The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

The Amazer!

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Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan amazes me everyday. Yesterday on our way to shop we went past Corner Bakery where we usually eat at no more than once every three weeks – Evan looks out the car window and says “soup”. I was just blown away that he could make that reference when we really do not go there all too much.

On another note – Evan is now also really into Volcanos. While we were in the car yesterday in Wisconsin – we were near what appeared to be either a large factory of sorts or a nuclear plant (I could not see the actual stack because it was far off/behind trees) and Evan looked over and saw the big smoke stack and said “volcano” all excited. Again – I am ust blown away that he can make these references. Last night before he went to bed he and Amy watched a show on the planets. As soon as they showed Mercury (I believe) and the active volcanos on that TV – he once again got excited and started saying “volcano” over and over. He sure loves the volcanos…and keeping both of his moms in surprise with his knowledge!

PS – Happy birthday Amy!

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