The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Evan’s New Obsession: Super Mario Brothers

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

A few months ago when the new Super Mario Brothers game came out – some of our friends bought and Evan loved watching us play. Soon after that, we gave him a remote (that did not control anything) and he thought he was playing. Shortly after that – we actually gave him the controller and he started playing. When one of our friends saw him playing – she asked me if he was watching the demo and I told her “no – this is Evan actually playing”. She was surprised he could move all around and so was I!

When the twins were born, I decided to get the game for him so he could play it here at home. We play for a little bit everyday and it is now his newest favorite thing to do. He has gotten better and even though he dies quite a bit – he can definitely get through boards with and without my help. For the most part – he listens to me when I ask him to “not move” or “jump over there” and I look forward to playing with him after work!

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