The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

1 Month Old

At the Doctors
Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora and Will went for their one month doctor’s appointment yesterday and everything is great. Both are growing like champs! Because they were a little early, they are a little smaller on the normal percentage scale for full term babies, but they are catching up quick. For example, the doctor would have expected a two pound gain in the month, but our babes grew three pounds.


  • 7lbs 13 1/2oz
  • 20 inches long

That puts her in the 25%tile for weight and 10%tile for height on the female infant scale.


  • 7lbs. 13 3/4oz
  • 20 3/4inches long

That puts him in the 15%tile for weight and 25%tile for height on the male infant scale.

Both got their second hep B shot and did fine. We go back in two a month!

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