The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

The Water Slide

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Luckily Evan and I have been able to get out of the house a few times to go to the local neighborhood pool. We generally went to a small pool that was gated in and only was about a foot deep with fountains and a spray area. This year I felt Evan was ready for the bigger pool, but at this pool I have to go into the water….the ninety degree weather has helped with this.

The big pool has a zero depth area and then goes to your usual 6-8 feet deep. There is a small frog slide, a medium water slide and then a huge water slide that you would see at a normal water park. There is also a waterfall area where it is about 3-3 1/2 feet deep and I stand in the water and Evan jumps off the edge. Background done….

First let me say that Evan’s swimming has improved immensely. He puts his goggles on and can actually swim under water for about a foot or so…no fear. This particular day, Evan got up under the waterfall and was ready to jump in. Just then I see his eyes wander to the huge water slide, he looks back at me, and then back at the slide. Next thing I know he is running to the huge slide and climbing the three flights of stairs. So I have to jump out of the pool and also run across the deck….hoping to not see any of my students since they often frequent this pool as well. He has gotten a good lead on me and as I am running I ask another life guard, “someone will stop him at the top, right?” they say yes, but I am still concerned he is going to get up to the top and jump right into this huge water slide. So I am now running up the three flights of stairs, teenagers are parting for me to run by and I finally get up to the top and Evan is talking to the lifeguard, he of course is saying Evan cannot go on because he is not tall enough. Poor guy.

We tell him over and over that he is a big boy and then we have to tell him he is not big enough….crazy. This was a day I wished I had a child with just a little shyness :).

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