The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

10-Month Checkup

At the Doctors
Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

William – weight – 21 lbs 5.5 oz (48%tile) and length – 29 3/4 in (78%tile). Will is getting more and more interested in moving. He crawls better and constantly tries to pull himself up, sometimes more successful than other times. He is very happy and likes to clap. There appears to be some teeth ready to come in on top but none have shown through yet. The doctor said all is good.

Cora – weight – 17lbs 4 1/4 oz (11%tile) and length – 27 1/4 inches (20%tile). Peanut!!! We said she is eating though – just moves constantly to burn off the calories she eats. Just tiny. Cora is a mover and shaker. She tries to hold herself up now without the help of other objects – only for a moment or two. She now has 6 teeth in her little mouth.

They had their hemoglobin checked today – doc says it was a little low for both but nothing to be concerned about. Neither look anemic and both are eating well. She said they would just check again at 12 months. Weird that both would be a little low…hmmm.

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